comp 1850 | web design and development one


web editors

ftp client utilities

web Browsers

sites for web designer/developers

From here down, things are a bit long in the tooth; you may find better stuff through simple Google searches...

More to come...

sites of inspiration

grids & layout

colour tools

typography & font resources

css resources

stock photography

comp 1850 home | about the course | readings | assignments | resources | 01 | introduction | 02 | html & ftp | 03 | images & tables | 04 | css: colour & text | 05 | css: page layout | 06 | site structure | 07 | design principles | 08 | design techniques | 09 | forms | 10 | client-side scripting | 11 | ssi, video & analytics | | students on bcitwebdev | example projects | textbook website | my.bcit | D2L login | example projects | bcit | bcit: computing |